Monday, May 10, 2010

My first haircut



I have never officially had my hairs (as I call them) cut, and was afraid it would hurt:) My mommy is so grateful for a place like Snipits that has "Cars" playing, a train table, lollipops, bubbles, and even a prize at the end! Not only did I willingly go, but I even somewhat enjoyed it.

Bye Bye paci!

After 2 years and almost 3 months ( a lot of tears and fighting sleep) , I said bye bye to my paci! I had bitten through two in a matter of a couple of weeks, and my mommy said I could get a new toy if I put it in the trash. So, you will no longer see this look on me:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Here I am with my new ears:) and I am two months old!

Before with ear wells
and the new me with no ear wells-look how happy I am!

I finally got my ear wells off that were reshaping my ears! That's the great news, but the sad news is that I already have had my first ear infection, and my ear drum burst on Friday right after getting my new ears-not a good day! see my before and after pics of my cute little "ear muffs" that gave me so much character and had so many people asking questions for my first two months of life. Can you tell that I am a happy boy?