Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We love you Nana!!!

And so the cycles of life go.  On the same day Miles gets his first tooth, his great grandmother, Nana, passed away.  She had been sick for awhile, and it was truly a blessing b/c she was ready, but still sad.  Nana and Miles were buddies, as you can see from their smiles.  Even in the end, she smiled for Miles, and he LOVED his Nana, and smiled a big smile for her too on her last day.  We love you Nana and will miss you so much!


Emily said...

How special that you have those pictures of Miles and Nana together.

We're praying for you guys!!!

Janai Rogers said...

I am so sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful memory those pictures hold.

Becky Fenn said...

Thinking and praying for you right now. We are sorry about your loss. I am so glad that Miles was able to meet her and you have those pictures for him to see one day...

Sarah said...

Dito to what everyone else has said. What joy precious Miles must have brought to her in her last days! Thinking of you and your family!