Friday, February 4, 2011

winter "freeze"/sick days in dallas 2011

These Dallas snow days have been interesting to say the least in our home. After 3 days snowed in last week, Bob became sick with fever for 5 days, and the boys both had ear infections, and then we were snowed in again. We have had a lot of togetherness, and a few accidents-Miles getting his finger slammed in the car door by me, and busting his lip while running around like a crazy person b/c we are cooped up! Who can blame him? It's the most excitement this family has had besides the day we got out this week to take all three boys to the dr, and 200 dollars later, they all had to medicine. Like to snow, and grateful for drs, but please let these last two weeks end! We have managed to have some fun though with odd looking snowmen, sledding on makeshift Christmas Vacation style cookie sheet and Pam, snowball fights, and lots of Daddy time! There has been more wine and tv consumed in this house in the last few weeks-is that a bad thing?

Sick and busted lip

fishing and outdoor fun with daddy

Wow, I recently got a very special treat-I went with daddy to Lake Timado just us two (no mommy or Charlie). He bought me my first fishing pole, and we fished, and rode tractors, explored the woods, and played in nature. What a great day together! I was so proud to be with just daddy and doing manly things. I even brought home some show and tells-a turtle shell, and pine cones. Thanks daddy for a fun adventure.

grumpy cowboy

I love being a cowboy and got to have a fun cowboy day at school recently. My mommy and daddy got me boots and a hat for my birthday that I got to wear to school b/c I get to have a cowboy party for my 3rd birthday this week! Look how happy and grateful I am wearing all new cool gear:

brotherly love!

charlie-10 and 11 months

Charlie is really becoming my best friend! I love him so much, but we sure know how to fight like brothers, and are keeping mommy super busy with our little antics. We like to wrestle until Charlie cries, playing hurt and very over dramatic, even if I can be rough with him. He sure knows how to fight back-mommy says he's scrappy. we love to play on my racetrack, and Charlie likes to chase me around the house. He likes doing anything I am doing, even though I am not always a fan. Charlie's really independent, and almost always happy, but je sure can scream and be very loud, especially at meal time. My mom says that's what happens when you are a second kid and don't get as much attention (she says that's why she's so loud:))

holiday fun

this Christmas was so special to have my brother with me, and get to share in all the excitement and joy of the holiday season. We got to meet Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Amends house (hence the matching sweaters), ride on our favorite holiday express train, and most importantly spend quality time with family! We spent some of the time in Austin with cousins Sammers, Ese and Odrew, and they dressed up Charlie one night as none other than Cleopatra (guess it's hard to fight back at 10 months old)