Friday, February 4, 2011

winter "freeze"/sick days in dallas 2011

These Dallas snow days have been interesting to say the least in our home. After 3 days snowed in last week, Bob became sick with fever for 5 days, and the boys both had ear infections, and then we were snowed in again. We have had a lot of togetherness, and a few accidents-Miles getting his finger slammed in the car door by me, and busting his lip while running around like a crazy person b/c we are cooped up! Who can blame him? It's the most excitement this family has had besides the day we got out this week to take all three boys to the dr, and 200 dollars later, they all had to medicine. Like to snow, and grateful for drs, but please let these last two weeks end! We have managed to have some fun though with odd looking snowmen, sledding on makeshift Christmas Vacation style cookie sheet and Pam, snowball fights, and lots of Daddy time! There has been more wine and tv consumed in this house in the last few weeks-is that a bad thing?

Sick and busted lip

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