Thursday, June 10, 2010

what my brother Charlie is doing at 3 months

He laughs and smiles all the time now, and thinks I am so funny! He loves all my kissing, and I sure do kiss him a lot. I sometimes am a little rough, and hurt him without meaning to, but I just love him so much. He loves when we sing and play paddy cakes, but doesn't love me being loud in his ear. My poor brother has had 2 ear infections (just like me-I have had 9!), and an ear drum burst, and bonked his head twice from falls. I think it's hard for mommy to keep up with his both-she never had this much trouble with just me. But, Charlie can handle it b/c it is so laid back and easy! I, on the other hand, can be a handful and am FULL of personality.

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